Professor Kishor Wasan has been given many awards for his work in the field of health sciences, including the Canadian Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences Leadership Award for making a big difference in the field of pharmaceutical sciences in Canada. He is also a member of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences and the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists. He has written over 240 peer-reviewed articles and 280 abstracts about lipid-based drug delivery and lipoprotein-drug interactions, and he has given more than 200 talks. Last but not least, Professor Kishor Wasan was in charge at the University of Saskatchewan from August 2014 to June 2019. When Dr. Kishor Wasan led a team of researchers at the University of British Columbia, they came up with what is now called iCo 019. Initially, Dr. Wasan will focus on partnerships and collaborations with other groups to help iCo 019 grow and improve.